Project Overview


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Congrats โœจ!

Yay! We have completed the first step in our blockchain analytics journey.

Coming soon! NFT for on-chain credentials.

project completion NFT

Sample project completion NFT.

What comes next?

  • We have looked at Ethereum data stores (Transactions, Traces, Logs and State). Everything that happens on the Ethereum network is recorded in one of the above stores.
  • Next, let us explore Events, Gas Prices and Token Standards.
  • Following that, we will delve deeply into sectors (such as DeFi, NFT etc).
  • Finally, we will pick a specific protocol (Uniswap, OpenSea, etc ) and conduct extensive research on it.
  • And then, You will be ready to start working on web3 data analytics. ๐ŸŽ‰


We are currently in beta. Please DM us on twitter for any issues or questions.

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