Project overview


Build your own narrative


Congrats ✨! You've made it.

Yeah! That's a lot to take in. Hopefully, you are now familiar with these terms and know how to extract them using SQL.

Ethereum Gas Terms

Ethereum Consensus Topics

Explore the reference dashboard.

Here are some ideas to expand further

  • To understand network penetration, add labels (Lido, Binance, etc.) and categories (CEX, staking pool) to the depositor address.
  • Compute the trend or growth of staking entities and validators over time.
  • Plot the block time, block count, empty blocks, gas price before and after merge to understand the impact.

What comes next?

  • We have looked at Ethereum Consensus.
  • Next, let us explore the foundational topics on Smart Contracts, Events, Token Standards, Layer 2 solutions.
  • Following that, we will delve deeply into sectors (such as DeFi, NFT etc).
  • Finally, we will pick a specific protocol (Uniswap, OpenSea, etc ) and conduct extensive research on it.


We are currently in beta. Please DM us on twitter for any issues or questions.

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